Katy Grasse

Email: kgrasse@ucsc.edu
Google Scholar


Katy is a clinical research engineer and educational game developer who joined the Interaction Dynamics Lab in September 2021. She earned a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Texas at Dallas and a B.S. in Applied Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Her primary research interest is to develop and test engaging closed-loop technologies that measure and enhance brain functions. Her previous R&D experience includes human and animal projects focused on neural interfaces and rehabilitation automation. She was also a postdoc for UCSC’s ALT Games Lab in which she designed/studied games for embodied learning and collaboration. She currently manages the ID Lab’s simulator development project and related research. In addition to building things and playing games, Katy enjoys teaching her baby boy how to be a good human being.


Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering
B.S. Applied Science (Biomedical Engineering)


Biomedial Engineering
T.A. F13 Engineering Mechanics: Statics
T.A. F15 Electrical and Electronic Circuits
T.A. S16 Engineering Physiology of the Human Body


Getting Academical: A choice-based interactive storytelling game for teaching responsible conduct of research
Edward F Melcer, Katelyn M Grasse, James Ryan, Nick Junius, Max Kreminski, Dietrich Squinkifer, Brent Hill, Noah Wardrip-Fruin

Improving Undergraduate Attitudes Towards Responsible Conduct of Research Through an Interactive Storytelling Game
Katelyn M Grasse, Edward F Melcer, Max Kreminski, Nick Junius, Noah Wardrip-Fruin

A suite of automated tools to quantify hand and wrist motor function after cervical spinal cord injury
Katelyn M Grasse, Seth A Hays, Kimiya C Rahebi, Victoria S Warren, Elizabeth A Garcia, Jane G Wigginton, Michael P Kilgard, Robert L Rennaker

For more publications, please visit Katy’s Google Scholar.