Kevin Weatherwax

Ph.D. Student
Advisor: Elin Carstensdottir & Kate Ringland
Google Scholar


Kevin Weatherwax is a mixed-methods human-robot/human-computer interaction researcher and doctoral student in Computational Media at the University of California, Santa Cruz. He has a background in psychology and mental health counseling. He draws from his experience with human services work and training in social-science research methods to study how people engage with interactive technology. He focuses on mixed experimental and ethnographic methods to examine how humans interpret and interact with robots and other non-human agents based on social, cultural, and developmental frameworks through a critical disability theory lens. Presently he is researching satisfaction in robot-mediated collaborations, expressive curiosity for interaction design, and parasocial engagements with nonhuman agents as assistive technology for neurodivergent populations. You can find out more about Kevin on his website.


Ph.D. Computational Media - Student
M.S. Computational Media and Human Robot Interaction
B.S. Psychology

Awards and Honors

Piatt Fellowship award


What makes a live stream companion? animation, beats, and parasocial relationships
Lee Taber, Leya Breanna Baltaxe-Admony, Kevin Weatherwax

ARMY’s magic shop: Understanding the collaborative construction of playful places in online communities
Kathryn E Ringland, Arpita Bhattacharya, Kevin Weatherwax, Tessa Eagle, Christine T Wolf

Human perceptions of a curious robot that performs off-task actions
Nick Walker, Kevin Weatherwax, Julian Allchin, Leila Takayama, Maya Cakmak

For more publications, please visit Kevin’s Google Scholar.