Lance Mendoza



Lance is a computer graphics animator, writer, and video games developer that pursued a MS in Serious Games. He joined the Interaction Dynamics Lab in December 2022 as a research assistant. He is interested in surveying different systems and theories of video game creation with an emphasis in turning games into educational entertainment. Lance’s primary research interests include the advancement of augmented reality and virtual reality technology. Lance is seeking opportunities that will allow him to educate, develop, and promote technologies that benefit human society. If you would like to learn more about Lance, please visit his website or feel free to connect with him on LinkedIn.


M.S. Serious Games
B.A. Animation


T.A. ART 80T Digital Tools for Contemporary Art Practices
T.A. ART 80T Digital Tools for Contemporary Art Practices


Lance was really into school so he was a member of the Academic Senate Committee Representative for Information Technology (CIT) as a Graduate Student representative and a member of 1/3 in a subCommittee which serves the Graduate Dean's Research Travel Grant at University of California Santa Cruz. Lance also took part in many Spartan Races! Aroo! Aroo!